THE increased charges in both on street and off street parking across Trafford and the effective end of any free parking anywhere in the borough is yet another fine example of the Conservative Council ignoring public opinion and grabbing what money they can to shore up the finances of the council.

The budget consultation they undertook determined there was opposition to these increased charges but nevertheless they have ploughed ahead with the increases.

Small businesses and the ability to support them are key to the well-being of the Trafford economy and considering the investment there has been in Altrincham and the investment that is commencing in Stretford it really is disappointing that in a very short sighted way we have a Conservative council that erects barriers to those wishing to shop locally and support local businesses, many of whom are struggling to make ends meet.

While the Conservatives locally and nationally will tell you they are the natural party of low taxation they sure know how to make up for lack of tax revenue through increased charges; locally with parking and garden waste and nationally through VAT, the bedroom tax, and ending the triple lock on state pensions.

This raises the question as to whether they can really be trusted on taxation?

Mike Freeman

Labour Councillor for Sale Moor