I bet it’s causing great distaste
The problem of our garden waste.
We’ll have to pay or have it left
And then I think I’ll be bereft.

I know, I’ll throw it all next door!
They’ll never know it’s me for sure,
‘Cos grass is grass and weeds are weeds,
So I can hide my dirty deeds.

The trouble is, I think I see,
They’re gonna do the same to me.
So they’ll have mine and I’ll have theirs,
We’ve both re-cycled – so who cares!

Fly-tipping everywhere no doubt
I hope that Trafford’s worked that out.
The cost of clearing that away
Will be a lot, I dare to say.

We’ll have to give another cheer
When that goes on our bill next year!
In Trafford’s coffin, some more nails,
As yet another service fails.

D Peters