THE president of Hale Bowling Club is to be commended on summoning skill and financial resources from his club members in order to create his enviable green (Messenger, December 29) in these straitened times.

It is to be hoped that he will share his expertise with the chairmen of other bowling clubs. Doubtless he will be able to afford the annual £40 proposed payment for the emptying of his green bin and and can organise a whip round to pay for the lollipop person to take his grandchildren across the road to school but his ' I'm all right Jack' attitude does him no credit.

We need to be realistic in facing these times of austerity and consider how cuts can be managed without detriment to our environment or the less financially secure members of our society. I look forward to reading positive suggestions about how these may be achieved.

Residents need to be aware that recycled materials (including the contents of green/blue and black bins) are sold by councils through Viridor and the Greater Manchester Waste Authority whereas non recycle able waste incurs a charge which is borne by all of us. We can all do our bit and recycle responsibly, it is EASY.

Environmentalist (Sale)