It now seems that the outcome of the American election is down to personal rather than political issues.

On political issues, Trump had a slight lead in the polls but with the personal issues vehemently portrayed by the Clinton Campaign and the media, in particular the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN, it is currently looking as though Trump will be defeated and the GOP are likely to sustain a major blow in the House and Senate with the loss of control. Hence Paul Ryan and others are refusing to support Trump in an attempt to salvage the overall situation.

Politically, Trump campaigns on; making America great again, restoring American industry by stopping Chinese imports and thus creating jobs, reducing taxation, increasing military and giving a better deal to veterans, defeating ISIS, preventing drugs from being brought in from Mexico, and intensively vetting Muslim immigrants, whose presence may well contain Jihadists.

All of these are extremely laudable and should appeal to a large section of the electorate, the caveat is, however, that he does not detail how he is going to achieve them.

He also wants to shake up the Washington system and sort out the lobbyist control of the House.

While this appeals to many voters, his presence may be seen as a threat to GOP members of the Senate and Congress.

Trump had a hard fight as a non-politician to get the GOP nomination. He has continually had to fight the press, his own political party and he defeated 17 other established political candidates.

Hillary had an easy ride being strongly supported by the media to defeat one opponent – a 76-year-old avowed left wing socialist.

Hillary has been seen to be indecisive and dishonest, making numerous changes and she is probably only going to offer more of the same weak, failed Obama policies.

She clearly has been caught in multiple lies and despite her undisputed vast political experience, much of this, in particular her period as Secretary of State, has not been successful.

Her agenda is ostensibly to continue with the Obama-style policies which have brought about the financial and strategical stalemate which we are now experiencing.

Hillary stands for Washington and big government which has even recently closed down twice when under tough financial pressure.

She has however, huge support from the media who not only support her politically but pursue a highly orchestrated campaign to damage Trump in any way possible while suppressing the information in the more than 30,000 Wikipedia leaked e-mails, which would portray her in a devious and different light.

Trump is anankastic, probably with an obsessive compulsive personality disorder; that is why he is successful professionally, but this situation has its downsides for, while these people are often highly successful in life, they often accumulate baggage and tend to self inflict. 

Hence Trump has focused on these highly personal criticisms and with his pertinacious loquacity, he has made enemies with large sectors of society.  His only opportunity now would appear to be to fight exclusively on his policies and political issues and not defend the personal ones. 

With the above personality, he takes insults badly and puts the defence of these above his persuasive political power.

Wednesday’s debate with a Fox News coordinator may be Trump’s last chance. From then on it may be a downhill run as New York’s Attorney General, an ardent Clinton supporter, has ordered the Trump Foundation to immediately cease fundraising because it had not registered or filed accounts to the Charities Regulator.

These are interesting times.

T Vincent Taylor,
Retired Surgeon,