I READ with dismay on the plans for the Hale Eruv Project Trust to put forward on their respective planning application for 95 galvanised steel poles to be erected at 50 individual sites along a 12-mile route in South Trafford.

The area in which the proposed Eruv is to be presented for potential planning approval is of a multi-faith and no faith community.

No religious group should therefore impose its own structures on this community.

I also object to the reason for their proposed erection that is hypocritical circumventing of a religious taboo. Any imposition on the community of religious or quasi-religious practices is inappropriate and unacceptable.

Put simply, an eruv is a divisive religious concept which has no place in a secular society such as ours.

Should planning consent for this unsightly application be gained from the ruling Trafford Council planning committee, this would only make our society more divisive. I for one will be strongly objecting to this planning application and would envisage than many more will do so the same.

Graham Buckley, via email