PHILIP Munro's doomladen predictions on the consequences of staying in, riddled with factual inaccuracies, makes the alleged scaremongering of the remain campaign look like mild exaggeration.

There are two fundamental realities about this vote. First, this is not a vote about the continued existence of the EU. It will continue to have a profound effect on us and this vote is about whether we continue to have a seat at its table. There is no possibility of a federal united states of Europe because not a single EU country wants that. Second, quite apart form the economic advantages of staying in the single market, national pride and independence are quite compatible with the recognition that in an increasingly interdependent world, big challenges from global warming to international terrorism to economic global crashes such as we saw in 2008, can most effectively be tackled on an international basis, and by working collectively with those closest to us, geographically and politically.

Malcolm Clarke Sale