THE decison to allow asylum seekers to come to Sale at all, never mind with only 48 hours’ notice, beggars belief.

The UK is seen by many people abroad seeking a life away from their own country, as the easist place to get into whether that be legally or illegally.

We offer housing, free medical aid and state handouts where other countries do not. It’s no wonder they head here, it’s ludicrous, and makes my blood boil.

As for Serco finding a nice hotel in Sale for the 'asylum seekers' why can’t Serco find a nice hotel in Hampshire close to its head office, or is it a case of 'not in my back yard'.

Now before all the do gooders start writing in, telling us all about the plight of the poor refugees and asylum seekers who's lives are at risk in their own country, why don’t they stop and think why is it they CHOOSE to come here rather than somewhere else.

It’s because we are their 'Utopia, Shangri-la, seventh heaven'.

In international law, the 'First County of Asylum' principle is where countries are expected to take refugees fleeing persecution in a neigbouring state.

That is where these 'poor persecuted people’ should go, and not come here to the UK.

My wife and I are 58 years of age, we have worked all our lives from leaving school at the age of 15. How much have we paid into the Goverments coffers for all those years, only for it to be handed out willy nilly to anyone who holds their hand out? It’s ludicrous.

It’s no wonder we are all expected to work longer before we can claim our pension. it’s no wonder my wife has to wait to have a hip replacement, even though she's been in constant agony for more than a year.

This county has had it.

Most of our politicians are as interested in us, in the same way that dogs are interested in fleas.

As the Italian proverb says 'Governments are like underwear. They need to be changed often'.

Tony Fitzgerald, Sale