NOW that those running Hale library have given Shabnam Yusuf permission for a week long exhibition on her version of the Islamic faith, can we now expect any and all different faith groups to demand equal treatment and a spot for their particular religion in the library which is funded by council taxpayers funded ?

Not only did she have a week-long exhibition but Ms Yusuf had the use of the conference room on Saturday morning for a two hour talk trying to dispel ‘Islamic stereotypes’.

Ms Yusuf, a non-council taxpayer living in Wilmslow, has hopefully donated the library a suitable sum for this exhibition, after all if she was given it free, everyone and their dog would want to set up stall.

As an agnostic I am not interested in any religion, but Ms Yusuf has a lot of convincing to do regarding women and Islam.

In my view, all religious teaching should be banned from schools. Parents who want to brainwash their children should do so in their own time, not at taxpayers’ expense.

James Carden, Address supplied