TRICK or treaters had an extra-terrestrial encounter last night on the streets of Stretford.

This Halloween get-up sent social media into a flurry, with many praising the creativeness of the would-be ever-so-slightly older ‘Elliot’.

Witnesses had an out-of-this-world experience, catching a glimpse of ingenious ‘Elliot’ riding around the streets with his alien companion ET sitting pretty on the handlebars.

Jo Lavelle, of Jo Lavelle Jewellery Manchester, stopped the duo, who were happy to pose for a quick pic.

Messenger Newspapers:

ET was happy to pose with trick or treaters Ruby Akhtar, Zac Akhtar and Jada Manning last night. Image: Jo Lavelle Jewellery Manchester

Jo said: “We couldn't believe it when we saw ET! We all ran over to see him. The kids were delighted! Next thing we knew he was cycling past us!”

ET the film is credited by some for bringing the trick or treating tradition to the UK.  

As well as the 'moon scene', ET dressed up as a ghost to go trick or treating is one of the most famous scenes from the iconic Steven Spielberg movie.

Messenger Newspapers:

Poppy Hagon, from Timperley, aged 20 months, was named winner of Spook-tacular costume at Woodlands Day Nursery Timperley, part of Elmscot Group of Day Nurseries.

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