IT'S hard to believe but Easter is here already.

With children having broken up from school and many people looking forward to a well-deserved four-day break, all attention turns to the weather and what is in store.

And while Messenger's amateur weatherman Harry Kershaw may not have been egg-sactly spot on with his winter forecast, he has re-jigged his predictions with the hope of being more accurate with the spring months.

But if he is correct his revised outlook does not bear good news for those looking forward to spending some time outside.

On the contrary Easter weekend is set to be a dull and dismal affair with heavy rain and wind from the off.

If it is any consolation, the wet weather may break on Easter Monday.

But rather than a return to the sunny weather of recent days, Harry claims it will instead turn much cooler, with even the potential for ground frost and sleet in the early hours.

Taking a brief look beyond the weekend, the future does look decidedly brighter meteorologically speaking with all indicators pointing to a hot summer.

Good Friday-Easter Sunday - heavy rain and windy Easter Monday - fine, cooler, ground frost, sleet early hours.