HARRY may have been off the mark with his forecast for the start of the year but he's gone back to the books and come back with a revised and hopefully more accurate outlook.

Messenger's resident amateur weatherman readily admits he got it wrong for January and February with the mild windy weather contrasting sharply to his predictions of snow.

But after some serious deliberations he is confident he should be back on track for the next few months.

And the good news is that according to Harry the early 2007 weather should lead to a hot summer.

While the professionals are broadcasting a similar point of view they are attributing this to the mild temperatures we have experienced so far.

By contrast Harry is using his usual cyclical method of predictions, looking back at the past 200 years to gauge patterns.

And he has found that high winds in January - remember January 18 (!) - usually indicate a hot summer and the higher the wind speed the hotter the summer.

But before then we could have a couple of wetter months to get through.

Here's Harry's outlook for March through to May.

March - fine mid month and windy late month

15-18 fine, cool

19-20 milder, showery

21-25 fine, cooler, fog early hours

26-27 showery

28-31 milder, showery, temperatures 15C, winds reaching 40mph

April - a wet, cold month. Some areas could see coldest April since 1903 and some the wettest April since 1818

1-4 fine and windy

5-8 heavy rain and windy

9-18 fine, cooler, ground frost, sleet early hours (heavy rain, flooding Birmingham/Worcester)

19-21 most areas milder and wet

22-24 fine, some overnight rain

25-27 showery

28-30 heavy rain

May - a sunny warm month

1 rain

2-6 fine, cool, ground frost early hours

7-14 becoming milder and showery. Temperatures reaching 23C

14-18 thunderstorms at intervals