STRETFORD Grammar School students are celebrating a 100 per cent pass rate of 5A*-C grades at GCSE.

The results surpassed last year’s record breaking figures with more than 60 per cent of all students achieving 5A*/A grades.

Headteacher Michael Mullins said: “These results confirm the high expectations we had of this year group and reflect the hard work of both students and staff.

“I would also like to thank our incredibly supportive parents who have worked so closely with the school over the past two years. I am delighted that so many of our students are attaining the highest standards - we expect nothing less of them.”

In particular, the following students achieved all A*/A grades at GCSE: Irfa Ahmed, Kofi Carvel, Deng Xiaokang, Poppy Graham, Tamara Hassan, Zunera Khan, Summer Nadeem, Omena Osivwemu, Zen Rizvi, Rezon Turel. Mriam Chishty gained 10 A*s and 1 A grade.