As the nights draw in and Halloween approaches, settle down for some terrifying tales at Dunham Massey over the half-term holiday.

Spooky stories will be wafting through the air on 25 and 27 October and you can also join in scary face painting to put you in a creepy mood - 29 October, noon – 3.30pm.

Other half-term activities at Dunham are for those who love the great outdoors: ‘Autumn under the Microscope’ on 26 October is the chance to get up close to the mysterious tiny creatures that inhabit the Dunham estate; whilst animals of a much larger nature – Dunham’s herd of red deer – will be the focus of our autumn Family Rut Walk on 28 October. Autumn is the time when the deer rut takes place and you’ll be able to see and hear these fascinating and shy creatures on a park walk with our deer experts. Walks start at 11am, 1pm and 3pm.

Dunham’s Winter Garden is now in its second season of being open to the public – and it’s a great time to see the wonderful colours of autumn.

Damian Harris, Head Gardener says: “Autumn colour is just starting to come through in the garden and should still be on show over half-term.”

“We have some very pretty pink cyclamen (hederafolum) in flower, and lots of autumn fruit and berries including crab apples, the purple Callicarpa berries, holly, fire thorn, Pernettya, and the strawberry tree (Arbutus) which will have its fruit and flowers. Winter stems are starting to show through as the leaves start to drop. These include the snake bark Acers, cherries, white stemmed birch, dog woods and willows, and we hope that some of the autumn bulbs will still be flowering – such as the colchicums (Naked Ladies), Nerines and cyclamen. Various herbaceous plants such as hellebores and Liriope should also provide some good autumn colour.”

If you’re visiting Dunham over half-term, don’t forget to pay a visit to the Stables Restaurant where you can enjoy a delicious selection of soups, hot dishes, sandwiches, cakes and puddings - not to mention Dunham’s famous cream tea!

Please note that normal admission applies to all events. There are limited places available on the Deer Rut Walks – timed tickets are available on the day.

For full details go to or call 0161 941 1025.

Dunham Massey house is open Weds – Sun until 31 October. The park, winter garden, restaurant and shop are open daily until 31 December (closed Christmas Day incl park). For information go to Find out about other Halloween and half-term events in Cheshire at Quarry Bank Mill, Lyme Park and Little Moreton Hall by going to