PUPILS at Springfield Primary in Sale will be stepping back in time when they return to school after the summer holidays.

For September marks the start of a year-long series of events and activities to celebrate the school's centenary year.

Headteacher Joyce Spencer said that everyone at the school is excited at the prospect of celebrating the centenary - and she wants former pupils and staff members to get involved as well.

"We are delighted to be able to mark this important year at the school. Not only will our regular celebrations such as the Christmas and summer fairs, and our various productions feature an Edwardian theme during the year, plans are underway to celebrate with a variety of events, some of which will leave a lasting impression, such as a school bulb planting during the autumn term.

"One thing we are all really excited about is the soon to be set up Springfield history site, which we hope will in time build up to provide an interesting, often amusing and somewhat personal record of the school's history. For this to work though we need the help of local people. We want to hear from anyone who was, or knows someone who was a former pupil at the school, or can shed any light on former staff. We want their memories as well as any old photographs they have showing the school, so we can include these.

"Not only will this be a record of the moment when the school celebrated its centenary, it will provide a lasting reminder which can be accessed by people who may have links with the area but have moved away."

For further details call 0161 973 4149 or e-mail the school at springfield.admin@trafford.gov.uk