I HAVE lived in Flixton for over 20 years and used to be quite proud to do so.

In the past, it was a pleasure to stroll down to Woodsend Circle in an evening, enjoy the bowling green/park and then window shop in the attractive shop windows.

We have lost a lot as well as having the threat that the name Flixton will be taken off our postal code in favour of Urmston.

Nowadays, I approach Woodsend Circle in near darkness, except for a few street lights. The shops are dark and shuttered.

For the past few days our lone Christmas tree shines brightly like a beacon for all to enjoy, although someone has already tried to damage its base.

Soon Christmas will be over and the tree gone again. The police, bless them, discreetly guard our tree. Fewer older residents will now enjoy a walk.

Come on Trafford council, give us a permanent Christmas present. Firstly better lighting and a decent focal point - perhaps a flower garden with a keeper.

Not everyone enjoys pubs or clubs. We all know that elsewhere in Europe they don't all close their doors after 6pm, they make full use of the outdoors in all weather and are healthier because of it.

Vandals are not solely to blame for our dreary neighbourhood.

Well done to the Messenger for pub-lishing the good news of lost items returned to their owners. More items like this balance other news. I enjoy the paper.

FB Frivett, Stott Drive, Flixton.