BOBBIES are again asking relatives of elderly homeowners to urge their loved ones to be vigilant when answering their front doors.

The call comes after another spate of incidents in Trafford in which pensioners were targeted by conmen in search of easy pickings.

And officers say that neighbours can play their part too and look out for the members of the community who are most vulnerable.

Community safety officer for south Trafford, PC Tony Crompton said: "These trusting members of the community are easily singled out by spineless thieves after personal possessions.

"The main reason the older generation are targeted is because most were brought up in an era where you did business on the doorstep, for instance with milkmen, the rent man or pools collectors and they are trusting.

"Then we have the problem that when they do become a victim, they are scared to report it for fear of having their independence removed."

PC Crompton says that the average victim is a 78-year-old woman living alone but warns that elderly people living in sheltered accommodation are also targets.

He went on: "There are lots of things that can be done to make sure the elderly are safe in their own home and some of these are measures provided by the police free of charge.

"One such idea is the Crime Prevention Panel's 'fixlox' scheme where free locks for windows, door chains and spy holes can be fitted.

"These are a good cheap way to help protect homes and anyone interested in finding out more can contact me on 856-7546 or the north Trafford community safety officers PC Paul Berry and Mark Aspin on 856-7746."