WE ARE an action group formed by anxious and distressed local residents of Timperley village as a result of Heyes Grove Tennis Club allowing Hutchison 3G to install a mobile phone mast at the tennis club.

We feel this will introduce a terrible blight into the middle of the community, putting at risk the health of all residents, especially our children.

We wrote to the tennis club asking to meet with their committee to explain the compelling reasons why it is felt that they are risking the health of the whole community and the potential future consequences for any ill health caused. Unfortunately, the tennis club has not replied.

Trafford council granted planning permission for a mobile phone mast on August 1 despite the opposition of hundreds of local residents. In 2001 the Council had previously granted permission for a mast to be put up at the nearby athletics track, which is council owned land. Subsequently the council deferred a final decision on installation of the mast whilst they reviewed potential future implications. Why? Perhaps they too are concerned about the longer term effects of these masts?

We are in the middle of a community teeming with children. The radiation from this mast will hit, shops, schools, churches, a cubs and scouts hut, a girls and boys brigades meeting hall, and sporting and playing fields as well as our homes. Bricks and mortar will not stop the potentially harmful microwave radiation that this mast will emit (we understand these are not currently monitored?).

TAPS (Timperley Against Phone-Masts) will continue to protest (legally) in a number of ways. There is a petition at Timperley Post Office for all to register their disapproval of this mast.

For those who wish to offer support please e-mail TAPS at:
