A harmony group in Altrincham last month hosted their annual International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration with a whole host of activities.

Kalpna Khurana, founder and chair of Harmony Association, organised the event which took place on March 18 at Dunham Road Unitarian Chapel, Altrincham.

At the event there was music hailing from across the continents, from Indian and African drumming to circle dancing with Greek and English music.

Kalpna provided a workshop to teach Indian dancing gestures and guests even got to try their hand at beating the drums.

In a quieter moment, there was time for poetry, including the Harmony founder reciting a poem written by her two daughters, who live in India, which they wrote especially for the event.

Putting her own creative mind to use, Kalpna and her friends then sang a song that she had composed for the day.

In previous years, Harmony Association has been invited along with a range of other groups to IWD celebrations at Manchester Town Hall, where Kalpna reports joining thousands of women and children and meeting with a rich mix of cultures and nationalities.

Now organising her own IWD celebrations in Altrincham, Kalpna is putting every effort into bringing these events to Altrincham every year, with all women welcome to participate.

The group also hosts free African and Indian drumming lessons and beginner Indian dancing lessons on Thursdays and occasional Saturdays.

More information on how to get involved with Harmony via orharmony.wixsite.com/about/contact.