Timperley Civic Society regularly checks over the latest planning permissions which are being applied for in the Timperley area. The object of this scrutiny is to try and ensure that there are no developments in the village which would have a detrimental effect on the area, either because of something destroyed, or something undesirable being built. We are also concerned for the wellbeing of the local residents.

To these ends we were extremely concerned to learn of the proposal for a change of use for the Co-op store at the end of the village - from a food outlet to a drinking establishment. Further investigation showed that it was the Barracuda Group that was making the application and there were fears that a Night Club was being planned.

There were several concerns about this development, principally that there are retirement flats to the front and to the rear of the building but also that there would very likely be rowdyism and vandalism in the village resulting from inebriate people wandering about the village in the early hours.

The notification of the application only gave one weeks notice for objections thus speed was of the essence. Within a couple of days the Civic Society had sent in a detailed letter of objection to the planning Department and over the next day or so members of the Society delivered around 1000 notices to houses in the village pointing out that the application had been made and if people wished to object they needed to write to the Council with some urgency. Indications of reasons for objecting were suggested.

It is understood that a large number of people did object and as a result the Barracuda group withdrew their application.

Needless to say Timperley Civic Society will continue to be vigilant enabling standards to be maintained in and around the Village.