Like Hedgehogs then this talk is for you, titled a Spine Romance will be given by Sue Lewis founder of The Rochdale Hedgehog Rescue Society.

It all started in late 1991with the discovery of a very underweight young hog just outside their home. As with the majority of people, their knowledge of hedgehogs was very limited so they sought some advice from their local R.S.P.C.A. They then put them in touch with a marvellous lady in Heywood who, with their daughter, was having great success in caring for hedgehogs under most difficult circumstances. In the weeks that followed she gave them all the help they needed to care for their patient' who had now taken up residence in a kitchen cupboard. Somehow word got around that they were caring for Hedgehogs and they suddenly found themselves taking in more and more very sick, injured and orphaned ones..which is how the Hospital came into being.

More will be revealed 6th May 2008 7.30pm at the Timperley Village Hall, Stockport Road, Timperley.

Free to members, 50p Non-Members, Refreshments included.

Further detail about The Rochdale Hedgehog Rescue Society can be found on their website.