Val Armstrong who was the Hon Secretary before our current Secretary Naomi Garside, was one day clearing things like most of us do now and again and came across these seven wonderful sketches of Timperley. She didn't know where they came from or who the artist was.

After much digging and delving, with only the initials JP to go on, we tracked down John Platts, we are not sure of the year, but John remembers that it was the year the famous Beech Tree blew down - he also told us that he painted the picture and the next time he was in the village the tree was gone. So I suppose this picture is unique and a memory for those who remember the tree.

We would like to acknowledge that John Platts gave us his permission to publish these, we hope you enjoy them.

If there are any comments about the paintings or even about the Beech Tree, drop us your comments.

The remaining three pictures will be shown here next week.