TIMPERLEY mum Katie Salinger has created a website - loveyourleisure.com - which helps people find information about recreational classes and activities in Trafford and throughout the UK.

LoveYourLeisure brings together Katie’s experiences as a class attendee, instructor, parent and business woman and she hopes this new venture will encourage people to get more active, try local classes, learn new skills and find new hobbies.

LoveYourLeisure will be donating 20 per cent of its profits to fund free recreational classes for those who may not otherwise have the chance to take classes and enjoy the benefits they bring.

Mum-of-two Katie, who is married to Sean, said: “Life is for living, so I think it’s really important to get out there and try new things.”

As well as helping people find out more about recreational classes, LoveYourLeisure enables class instructors to secure maximum exposure for their classes and has a great forum where instructors can connect with others, learn new business skills and grow popular, profitable classes.

Katie, of Raglan Drive, has set herself the challenge of trying 52 new local classes in 2015 to demonstrate how many different activities there are in the local area. Katie has already completed the first eight classes which include Macaroon Making, Kettlebells, Iyengar Yoga, Cake Decorating, Painting with Pastels and Ballroom Dancing.

Katie, aged 43, added: “Whether you want to turn your hand to something creative, bond with your baby over music or yoga, train your dog, or tread the boards in a local dramatics society, loveyourleisure.com is the new place to go to find out what recreational classes are happening in your area.”

www.loveyourleisure.com launches on March 4th.

For more information Katie can be contacted at katie@loveyourleisure.com