A FRUSTRATED group of Flixton residents want Trafford Council to take action over careless parents who clog up their road and unfairly park there during the school commute.

The Street Parking Action Group – recently founded on Facebook – want a stricter parking regime in Delamere Road and are concerned about parents collecting and dropping their children off at Flixton Junior School.

As the road is a tight cul-de-sac it makes doing turns in the road difficult and is threatened by late parents speeding and parking their cars on double yellow lines.

Paula Swinchatt – who lives in the road and whose children attend the school – wants action to be taken before someone gets hurt.

“You have 243 children who come down every day and we want to take care of them,” she said.

“A lot of the residents who live here do not want anything to happen to them.

“There is an Audi A7 that comes down and cannot do a three-point turn. It mounts the pavement to do one.

“There have been near misses and there was a car accident two weeks ago. It is very dangerous and come down at a fair force. At 3.30pm it is even worse.

“We are trying to get councillors on board and we have contacted the PCSOs, who are going to come down. We want to get this message across. We don’t want to appeal for parking permits, which is a last resort.

“It started originally with the school – we are just carrying on what they started and they are totally on board with it.”

The residents – who have posters in their windows – intend to apply to Trafford Council for a ‘play street’ scheme to be implemented, which could see the road temporarily closed at certain times to make it safer for children.

A council spokesman said: “We are particularly mindful of the important road safety issues around schools, and the difficulties that school gate congestion can cause for local residents, and we are constantly working with local schools to keep children safe on the road.”