WORK has begun to tackle eyesore business premises in Altrincham whose appearance is detracting from the look and feel of the town centre.

Altrincham Forward is writing to property agents, landlords and owners, requiring them to make significant improvements to ensure their properties, whether occupied or vacant, are clean and well maintained.

This approach has already had a number of notable successes, including improvements having been made to the former bike shop, on Stamford New Road, and the former Pizza Hut, on Cross Street.

Cllr Matthew Colledge, chairman of Altrincham Forward and leader of Trafford Council said: “Our approach so far has been to encourage positive intervention, including the removal of inappropriate signage, making essential repairs, re-decoration and, in some cases, simply cleaning premises.

“We are delighted by the response we have had from landlords, with many accepting the need to act, and putting into place plans to address the issues we have identified with their properties.

“While the number of vacant shops continues to decrease, there remain a number of properties whose appearance falls below the required minimum standard.

“I want to send a clear message out to those who decide not to respond to our requests for improvement. We will take tough action through planning enforcement to make change happen, because we are committed to making the town a unique, attractive and bustling modern market town.”