A hotel once described as 'a large, lumpen mess' is not coming to the area after it was refused for a second time by the Planning Inspectorate.

Acre Hotels appealed to the inspectorate after its plan for the site between Chester Road and Hornby Road was refused by Trafford Council.

The refusal of the 10-storey hotel came around two years after the refusal of a 16-storey hotel.

The decision by Trafford Council on March 10 last year was based on several issues, including a detrimental impact on the appearance of the area, a detrimental impact on other properties and a lack of parking. 

On July 14 last year, the councillors on the Planning and Development Management Committee were asked to reconsider all of these issues. 

They were warned of a risk the decision could be overturned and costs could be awarded to the developer if no action was taken at the time.

But the councillors stood by all of their reasons for refusal, albeit with a number of alterations.

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Cllr Daniel Bunting, whose opinions were shared by a number of others, said: "If it was a tall, elegant tower, which this sure as hell is not, then we might be able to work our way around it.

"But it is a large, lumpen mess. If we are not going to refuse this sort of thing, we might as well put a sign up on the outside: 'Planning Department closed, build whatever the hell you like'."

On March 6 this year, the outcome of the appeal was published by the Planning Inspectorate.

Although the inspectorate disagreed with the council about the detrimental impact on the appearance of the area, it agreed with the council about the detrimental impact on other properties and the lack of parking.

The outcome of the appeal reads: "I have found the proposal to be contrary to the policies of the development plan and the associated provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework. 

"These conflicts attract substantial weight and the benefits and other material considerations advanced in favour of the scheme are not sufficient to outweigh this."

The inspectorate did not award costs to the developer.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.