A CYCLIST last week completed a 20-day, 1,600-mile challenge from Altrincham to the south of Spain in memory of his late mother.

Jonathan Mawby set off from Timperley Sports Club last month and arrived on schedule in the town of Aguilas on Wednesday, June 1.

The reason for the challenge was to raise £10,000 for Myeloma UK, a charity dedicated to the illness Jonathan's mother Lee Mawby had when she died in 2020.

The father-of-two, who owns Autopoint Knutsford, was meant to take it on alone, but was accompanied at the last minute by friend Gareth Tucker.

Jonathan's father Mike, sister Sally and 16-month-old nephew Sonny followed in a support vehicle, and other family and friends flew out to be at the finish line.

Messenger Newspapers: Jonathan's family and friends flew out to be at the finish line.Jonathan's family and friends flew out to be at the finish line.

His daughter Isabel and another friend, Andy Wyatt, also took to the saddle for the last leg into Aguilas.

Although Jonathan aimed to raise £10,000, his page on JustGiving has surpassed this by some distance.

At the time of writing, it stands at more than £13,500.

Jonathan said: "I’m still alive and kicking and I’ve had a whale of a time. It’s absolutely amazing to have surpassed our fundraising target for Myeloma UK – but if anyone wants to double it, let me know and I’ll cycle the 1,600 miles back.

"I think my mum would still think we were mental for doing it if she had been with us, but I would hope she would have enjoyed the trip as much as we did."

READ MORE: Cyclist to take on 1,600-mile challenge from Altrincham to Spain.

He added: "I think I prepared well with the training I did and I reaped the benefits.

"Now we're here, it's sort of surreal we've ridden 1,600 miles on a bicycle.

"It wasn’t easy. When we got to Spain, the weather was stiflingly hot some days.

"The whole thing has been a ball, but the highlight has been our two days in the Pyrenees. There were big hills, it was hard, but the views were breathtaking."

To contribute to Jonathan’s page on JustGiving, go to justgiving.com/fundraising/altrinchamtoaguilas.