TRAFFORD Council will make a decision this week on whether to approve a controversial plan for a salon in Urmston.

An application for the site on Cob Kiln Lane was submitted to the council by the owner of high street hairdressers Nikki & Co in November 2020.

It proposes to turn a garage on the site into a salon to replace the one used by Nikki & Co on Flixton Road right now.

READ MORE: Plans for Urmston children's nursery face staunch opposition.

The application reads: "The tenancy has been difficult for a long time and Covid rules have made the situation worse.

"The applicant has a long-term plan to establish their own premises in order to provide the best service in the best setting for their clients.

"There is no benefit in having a high street salon and the high value of the business rates and the rent has proved difficult for the business."

Although it has been recommended for approval by one of the council's planning officer, the plan is facing strong opposition from residents nearby.

Residents from around 10 properties have sent letters to the council since November 2020, almost all of them from Meadowgate and in opposition.

The letters focus on issues including flood belt development and green belt development as well as the impact on the 'character' of the area.

One of the letters reads: "On the night of January 20/21 this year, the River Mersey burst its banks just south of Urmston Cemetery and spilled over into Old Eea Brook.

Messenger Newspapers: Aerial view of the site (Image: Google Maps).Aerial view of the site (Image: Google Maps).

"The floodwater moved rapidly upstream along the brook, causing extensive flooding of low-lying land.

"This included Cob Kiln Lane, the nearby riding stables and the 'Tack and Feed' shop.

"Horses and livestock had to be evacuated in darkness.

"Unfortunately one pig died, apparently of hypothermia."

And another letter reads: "The approval, a few years ago, of this building to be used as a garage stated that it should not be used as a commercial building. It doesn't seem to have any reason to overturn this decision.

"Meadow Road, Meadowgate and Cob Kiln Lane constitute a residential area," it adds.

"[It is] the gate to the Meadows, designated as green belt, and [it] should stay this way."

However, not all residents are in opposition to the plan.

One sent a letter to the council 'appalled' by the opposition, saying their neighbours 'complain about everything' and 'do not like any form of change'.

The council's planning committee will weigh up its planning officer's recommendation and the letters and make a decision at a meeting on Thursday.