FANS of football and cricket are getting a special opportunity to get a vaccine in Trafford today.

A walk-in clinic is open at Trafford Town Hall between noon and 7pm to coincide with a friendly match at Old Trafford football ground and two matches in new tournament The Hundred at Old Trafford cricket ground.

Manchester United are playing Brentford at 8pm, while Manchester Originals men's and women's teams take on Northern Superchargers throughout most of the afternoon and evening.

READ MORE: Manchester United and The Hundred to cause traffic chaos.

The walk-in clinic comes after cricket supporters got the opportunity to get a vaccine at two matches between Manchester Originals and Birmingham Phoenix over the weekend.

Dr Mark Jarvis, medical director at NHS Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group, said: "The conversations we've had with younger people in our borough tell us that they want the opportunity to get a vaccine at a time that is convenient to them, such as around commitments like work and education.

"So what better way to provide this convenience than to make the jab available at sports matches?

"We’re always looking at different ways to make it easy for people to come forward for the vaccine, should they choose to do so."

The clinic is open to anyone over the age of 18 who is in need of a first or second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or AstraZeneca vaccine.

People do not need a ticket to one of the football or cricket matches to access the clinic.

Trafford’s vaccination programme has been a success to date with more than 163,000 first doses and more than 135,000 second doses having been given at the start of this week.

Information about other places to get a vaccine - both pre-bookable and walk-in clinics - is available at