I AM a resident of a Davyhulme Road, which backs onto the Rivers Lane, the entrance to the sewage plant.

I already cannot use my garden due to the noise from the passing trucks. I also work some nights and try to sleep during the day, but this proves impossible due to the noise of the trucks and the fact that they shake the doors and furniture as they thunder past.

If the number of trucks going to access the site increases to around a 100 a day, this would be around 200 trucks passing behind my house per day, 1,400 per week and 72,800 trucks a year. These figures are staggering.

A separate access road needs to considered if this goes ahead, maybe going through the retail park away from houses. Planning needs to look at this proposal very carefully for the sake of all local residents, whom are already inconvenienced enough by the traffic volumes, fumes and disgusting smells caused by the local sewage plant.

Name and address supplied.