THE opinions expressed by both Peter Booth and David Olliver in these pages, both regular contributors to Your Views, have proved interesting reading, particularly as they have taken a largely objective view of the matters that each has commented on.

I am disappointed, therefore, that their once-reasoned correspondence appears to have been replaced with a style that is nothing more than a weekly attack on the new Leader of the Council, Andrew Western, and the Labour Party more generally.

Indeed, in the letters page last week, both Mr Booth and Mr Olliver relayed a long list of failings that they made clear, were the fault of Labour policies on a local, national and international level.

They must each surely realise that such binary arguments have been largely rejected by the majority and that language such as theirs has served only to discredit politicians and disengage the public, who would prefer a more considered and conciliatory form of politics.

By all means continue to question policies and policy makers, but in doing so, recognise that in trying to rubbish one side of the political divide while praising everything on the other, actually devalues your opinion on both.

R Davies

Marsland Road
