IN June, 2016, the UK voted by a narrow margin to leave the EU ­— we can’t ignore this fact.

If the 52 per cent voted for one thing, it must be the most prominent promise, the one on the side of the bus, that the UK would be £350 million per week better off.

The UK has already lost £65 billion inward investment, and is much worse off post Brexit under every possible scenario ­— should we ignore this fact?

That Russia interfered on a massive scale in favour of vote Leave ­— a House of Commons report called their social media interventions “unconventional warfare”, Arron Banks is reported to have been offered a gold mine ­— that, in short, the Leave campaign were Putin’s patsies ­— should we ignore this fact?

That the Leave campaign were sneaky cheats, convicted of breaking electoral law by massive illegal overspends, used to fund sordid Facebook data scrapings ­— should we ignore this fact?

That 71 per cent of young people voted Remain, and a large majority of those who will have to be economically active after a Brexit imposed by the old on the young (demographics alone, even if no-one had changed their mind, would now swing the outcome to Remain) ­— should we ignore this fact?

We were told the EU “could whistle for its money”. Actually, the UK will contribute £39 billion through to 2064 ­— should we ignore this fact?

That the government hasn’t a clue how to handle a no-deal exit ­— paying a company with no ships for ferry services, trialling the Dover traffic logjam trial with 89 trucks (the port handles 16000 lorries per day) ­— should we ignore this fact?

Neither May’s deal, nor a no deal, are what the 52 per cent were promised, neither are what they voted for.

Under the bus £350 million NHS funding promise was not added “to fly in emergency medicines because the ports are closed”, or “to fly in 100,000 Asians to fill NHS vacancies”. Should we ignore this fact?

The lying, illegally funded, Russian-supported Leave campaign showed no respect to the British electorate.

So let’s not, in fact, ignore all this, but finally pay our citizens the honour of voting on the reality, and not the fantasy, of Brexit.

For the love of everything that is wonderful about this country that we love so much, let us spare it from the unprecedented, unimaginable catastrophe that is approaching. If not, our children will never forgive us ­— should we ignore this fact?

Alan Lomas

Greenhill Road
