ONCE again I felt compelled to report to Trafford MBC in January the fact that the last time I saw a street cleaner down my road was last August and it was high time that considering it had been 5 months and that they were due a good clean.

Imagine my surprise when they reported on their website within the last few weeks that they had been down my road on a Sunday to clean it when it was obvious they hadn't.

Following a further report to advise them of this I was even more surprised to be awoken at 7.00 am this morning to see a street vehicle cleaner dodging all the parked cars of the residents who had not yet gone to work at that time of the morning, followed by him coming back in the opposite direction some 15 minutes later !

I think I need to get out my dustpan and brush again I suppose ! As I will do a more thorough job than them.

Afahx9uj =