I LIVE just off Park Road in Timperley, and have been so incensed by the front page of the Conservative's ˜In Touch' magazine, pushed through my letter box, that I decided to get 'in touch'.

The first statement to arouse my ire was 'Action, at Last, on Park Road Junction', which, at first glance, seemed like a good thing.

However, when I read further I realised that a question mark had been omitted as there is still no set date for the road widening, first mooted in 2007.

At the same time, the Broadheath Conservatives fail to acknowledge that the delay and misery to residents has been caused, not by an inanimate junction, but by Trafford's policy of granting planning permission for developments, with a consequent increase in car numbers, along a road that clearly has no more capacity.

In any event, the proposed work on the junction will have little effect on Park Road's congestion as it only involves a widening of the A56. Park Road will remain the single-lane bottleneck that it is, currently.

Any little improvement will be more than offset by the increased traffic resulting from the insane new development on Canal Road and the opening of ASDA.

This issue feeds into my problem with another Conservative claim, possibly ironic, regarding Trafford's 'new drive for a cleaner, greener environment'.

During rush hour, when parents are walking their children to school, the harmful emissions from the standing traffic on Park Road, when individual cars can queue for 20 minutes and more, must have a deleterious impact on developing lungs as well as potentially breaching European air quality legislation.

Surely the council should be more concerned with this than with issuing a few dog fouling leaflets that seem to have had virtually no impact on behaviour, perhaps because of the lack of enforcement officers.

Perhaps if Trafford raised council tax, instead of freezing it for 'a record' five years, they could afford to hire some, as well as keeping libraries and children's services open and staffing our parks adequately.

Name and address supplied