AFTER a very enjoyable and successful night, blessed for once with fine weather, could I express thanks on behalf of the mayor's charity fund to all who attended the bonfire and fireworks display at Abbotsfield Park, Flixton on Saturday Novermber 4, sponsored by Trafford Community Safety.

Such an event could not occur without the support of local business, such as Harrison Travel of Flixton and Bernard Murray, Quality Foods of Urmston.

Advance ticket sales were facilitated by local schools, libraries and leisure centres and excellent pre-event publicity came from The Stretford and Urmston Messenger and Trafford Leisure Trust.

Thanks are also due to the partnership of Greater Manchester Police and Priority Security of Gatley for their vigilance, and to the continuing support of our timber suppliers within and outside Trafford.

Once again, Celebration Displays came up with a superb firework display and the Rapide Brothers proved popular, despite rather warm conditions.

However, above all, we are indebted to the army of volunteers, young and old, who return annually to ensure the execution of a safe enjoyable evening in support of the mayoral charity.

Hope to see you all next year.

Alan Vernon, event organiser