IAN Brooks is the new president of the Manchester and District Golf Alliance.

The Alliance is the biggest and most active organisation of its kind in the region with more than 110 clubs in its membership providing a variety of competitions for professionals and amateurs in its member clubs.

Now Brooks, who has been vice president of the Alliance for 10 years, has taken over from the late John Dowd who was president for more than 25 years.

Brooks joined Bolton Old Links Golf Club more than 30 years ago and has put in an incredible amount of work since then to become a true golfing legend in the region.

He has a vast experience of golf organisation at high levels for many years and has plenty of plans for the Alliance to continue to grow its great reputation in the region.

He realises, however, he has a big act to follow.

Brooks said: “I joined Bolton Old Links GC in 1988, and served on the board for approximately 10 years as social chairman and house chairman before becoming captain in 1999.

“I was a member of the Society of Manchester Captains where I was treasurer for nine years.

“In 2008 I became the captain of the Manchester and District Golf Alliance and in 2012 was the captain of the Society of the Manchester Captains and joined the prestigious Old Manchester GC in 2005.

“I was president of my own club in 2013 and the president of the Society of Manchester Captains in 2018 and most recently was appointed as the captain of captains of the Bolton Society of Captains.

“The Alliance committee is in regular contact with its members and taking on board new ideas to keep the Alliance as a fresh and vibrant golf force in the coming years so members should watch this space!”