A FORMER ‘self-confessed’ prisoner has proven crime really can pay - by winning a club’s annual Biggest Liar of the Year competition.

‘Reformed’ Akiel Chinelo easily won the prestigious title at the Altrincham Story Tellers’ Club meeting.

Akiel, 40, held the judges - all rivals in the contest - spellbound as he told them he was sentenced to 11 years for drug-related offences.

The Old Trafford-based teacher spoke passionately about his time behind bars, served, he said, mainly at Parkhurst Jail in London.

The other entrants, who met at the club’s headquarters at the Orange Tree pub in Altrincham, had to decide if he was telling the truth or not.

Afterwards, he revealed to Messenger: “I am a self-confessed, reformed criminal and what I told my rivals was indeed the truth.”

Anyone interested in joining the club can contact Sharon Richards on 0161 282 4436 or email her at dangerstoriesatwork@gmail.com