Ever played a racing game and wished you could just blast the other cars off the track? Or maybe you like playing kart racers, but wish you could do it in sleek, shiny sports cars instead of cute go-karts? With all the gloss and sheen of a realistic racer, and all the wacky weapons of Super Mario Kart, Blur might be the game for you!

There are fifty cars in the game, and you'll be slamming them around fiendish courses set in real world cities like Los Angeles, London and Barcelona. You can even blaze your way along the Brighton seafront! Each car comes in four variations, so if you prefer a nice sliding drift to throttle power there'll always be a car to match your playing style. For all its realistic appearance, Blur has been designed to be fun fun fun, regardless of whether you like your racing tough and realistic or crazy and arcadey.

Power-ups litter the track and allow you to blast, nudge or shoot rival racers. Others give you a shield as protection from incoming attacks, or a little extra boost to shunt you up the pack. All are well balanced, so no single player ever gets an unfair advantage.

It’s great for playing solo, but Blur comes alive when you play with others. It features a host of social options that allow you to challenge your friends directly to match your best times, or to take part in global challenges and tournaments. Even if your console isn’t online, the screen splits four ways so you’ll never get lonely!

Blur really does offer the best of both worlds, with a meaty driving challenge coated in the delicious gravy of arcade action. If you like car games, you’ll love Blur.

Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
