PAIN is all in the mind, you're in control of your own body, don't think of the pain think of your goal...

Motivational words from Stu last night as we embarked on the Boot Camp session called '300 degrees'.

300 being 300 exercises!

They say time flies when you're having fun and if last night was anything to go by it's true!

What sounded completely daunting at the start of the evening turned out to be my favourite session to date!

25 runs up and down the hill, followed by 50 squat thrusts, 25 press-ups; 50 scissor jumps etc etc until we reached 300!

Of course after the first few exercises you completely lose track of where you're up to and when Stu called time and congratulated everyone on their efforts, I honestly thought we were only half way through!

Maybe it is all in the mind after all!