IF there is ever such a thing as a honeymoon period on a six-week Boot Camp, then I can tell you it's over after the first session.

After my joy at completing the 'induction', last night has to be one of the most miserable hour's of my life!

To be honest, I was slightly taken aback that the incessant rain hadn't postponed the session in the first place - but it turned out the weather was the least of my worries.

First we took it in turns to help carry a stretcher full of heavy sandbags to a secluded field about a mile away. (If it wasn't your turn to carry the stretcher - you jogged along side it!)

My trainers were squleching by the time we reached the field, my sodden hair was plastered to my face and I really needed the loo.... this was going to be a long night.

I can only describe the next 45 minutes as truly horrendous.

Swinging heavy sandbags between your legs, then running up and down a hill which got more and more imposing every time you did it, and then hoisting said sandbags several times above your head.... before repeating the sequence over and over again was backbreaking.

Couple this with lying, yes lying, in the soaking wet grass to do various sandbag related sit-ups and press-ups and I seriously started to question why I had agreed to do this course.

Exercise is one thing - but this was torture!

And to add insult to injury everyone else was loving it!

I think the only thing that got me through was my fellow Boot Campers shouting encouragement during the tasks and reassuring me on the (long) trek back to base, that it will get easier after a few sessions and eventually I will get hooked on keeping fit and really enjoy it.

I do hope they're right... but having to sit on a bin bag to drive home because I'm soaked to the skin and literally have to wring my dirty clothes out when I get home, you could forgive me for being somewhat sceptical!