IF you are one of the many who’ve resolved to get fitter this year, then this is the one resolution you should try to keep.

Only 40% of men and 28% of women take the recommended amount of exercise and, according to the British Medical Journal, regular exercise reduces the risk of conditions such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes by 20 to 30 per cent.

It can also help trim off extra pounds, keep your heart healthy and best of all, you don’t have to put your hand in your pocket to get results.

Walk your way to fitness Walk to work if you can or get off the bus a few stops early and save on the fare. Parking out of town and walking the rest of the way will save pounds in parking, reduce the stress of rush hour traffic and help the environment, too.

Run for fun Going out for your first run can be a little daunting, so try alternating running and walking between lamp posts and gradually increase the running sections.

Entering a fun run is a great way to motivate yourself and really is fun, especially if you do it in a group.

Get some wheels Cycling, skateboarding and rollerblading are fun ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness, balance and co-ordination. Whatever your age, get out there and give it a go.

Speak to your doctor about any medical conditions first and, if you haven’t exercised for a while, start slowly.

Always warm up before you start and take a little time to cool down. Most of all, remember that exercise is fun, free and full of benefits for you and your heart.

Swimming is another good way to stay fit, and this is a form of exercise that you can do as a family, treating it as a fun weekend ritual.

Check out facilities and courses at local venues in Trafford, and you are sure to find an exercise regime that suits you for 2009.

And the added bonus is that your new trim body will make it far more enjoyable for you to shop for the latest fashion trends this spring and summer, with the bright colours and flattering shapes hitting the shops over the next few weeks!