HERE are some tips from olive oil specialist Filippo Berio on preparing healthy meals in 2009.

*Reduce the amount of fat you use when grilling, pan frying or stir frying meat or fish by spraying the meat, not the pan, with a light olive oil spray.

*Reduce the fat and calories in pies by using filo pastry instead of shortcrust or flaky.

*Use olive oil instead of butter or other oil to saute or stir fry vegetables or other ingredients.

*Use a spray of extra virgin olive oil to flavour and season carrots, peas, broccoli and new potatoes before serving.

*Add oil-based dressings to salads to make it easier for the body to absorb phytochemicals like beta carotene from the salad leaves.

*Use extra virgin olive oil spray on toast and in sandwiches in place of margarine or butter.