AT YOUnique we understand that ‘serious weight loss’ is more than counting calories and eating salad.

We always take a look at the bigger picture - we look at what makes us eat the way we do and the way we feel at different times. We look at the way we act, and the way we look at ourselves. Our programme will empower you to take control and win.

We work with you for unbelievable, massive, safe and effective weight loss, which is long lasting and totally manageable. You can quickly achieve your target weight and not lose your way in the first weeks, our YOUnique programme is designed to support you all the way through.

We also encourage you to drop by at any time to have some feel good pamper sessions, and to touch base with your ‘weight loss community’.

Call and book a free information session and find out about the new groups we have starting in the New Year.

YOUnique gives you the prospect of a completely new you.