It’s a little early to think about resolutions, but one you should make, and in good time for Christmas, is to shop at Altrincham Market.

Forget the supermarkets and the out of town shopping outlets, instead realise the benefits of shopping at a traditional market.

Our traders are friendly, knowledgeable and offer incredible value for money.

Do you know you can feed the family, jazz up your home and garden, pamper the pet, buy lovely clothes and presents all at Altrincham Market?

The value a traditional market offers really comes into its own during the festive season, and now even more so, given the current financial climate.

A recent survey found that collectively the UK public could save more than £4.2 billion annually by shopping at markets.

So come on, get your share now. We look forward to seeing you.

Altrincham Market is ‘a good habit to get into’.