Dental care has been greatly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic everywhere it has spread, including to the UK. Patient care, access to treatments, and dental office practices have all changed as a result of the essential safeguards and limitations put in place to stop the virus from spreading.

The temporary closure or restricted operation of dental clinics during lockdowns and periods of heightened restrictions has been one of the main repercussions of the epidemic. In order to give priority to emergency dental care and lower the danger of virus transmission, routine dental appointments, preventive services, and elective procedures were canceled or postponed.

Dental practices are also facing operational issues as a result of the introduction of strengthened infection control procedures, personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, and social distancing protocols. Although these precautions are essential for the safety of both patients and staff, they have increased the time and resources needed for each visit and may have caused delays in the scheduling of regular treatments.