A teenage boy has been arrested after he was allegedly caught carrying a knuckle duster in Altrincham.

Greater Manchester Police said that officers were deployed to Altrincham town centre yesterday (November 3), where a knife arch was set up at the interchange.

Knife arches help to detect offensive weapons that people may be carrying and help to get them removed from the streets.

The force said officers saw two teenage boys trying to avoid officers before they were stopped and searched.

A 15-year-old boy was allegedly found to be carrying a knuckle duster, which police said they seized, and the boy was arrested on suspicion of carrying an offensive weapon.

Officers were also on patrol in the Goose Green area of Altrincham in the evening where they were on hand to give crime prevention advice to those enjoying the night time economy in the area.

Inspector Jon Ezard of Operation Venture said: "Every arrest made by our officers is a fantastic result for the team as it means that we have taken one more weapon off the streets of Greater Manchester. 

"Operation Venture is working hard to reduce violent crime and whilst the team are being proactive in making arrests and patrolling the streets in your community, we also need your help and rely on intelligence provided to us by members of the public.

"If you know someone is carrying a weapon, please report it to us as soon as possible.

“We always take reports of this nature very seriously and will act on every piece of information given. It could help us save lives."

Members of the public can make a report by calling 101 or via the LiveChat Function on GMP's website: www.gmp.police.uk.

Alternatively, people can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, they also have an anonymous reporting function for 11-17 year olds via Fearless.org.

In an emergency, always dial 999.