The partnership responsible for the transformation of Stretford Mall is asking residents for their thoughts on changes to the scheme.

The work on phase one, including the work on King Street, is already underway after the approval of planning permission last year.

The work on phase two, including the work on 800 homes, is in the pipeline. It received outline permission in the past but it is in need of planning permission as well.

A partnership between Bruntwood Works and Trafford Council is asking residents for their thoughts on changes to the scheme such as the appearance of the homes.

There is also the relocation of a park at the centre of the scheme and the retention of the Aldi supermarket in its current location, rather than an alternative location, with all of the changes to scheme reflected in a number of images released alongside a consultation which closes on Sunday (October 15).

Messenger Newspapers: An illustration of the transformation of Stretford Mall

Rob Elsom, development director at Bruntwood Works, said: "The needs of the community are at the heart of the plans to transform the town centre, which is why the feedback on this stage of the project is so important to us. 

"Since the [phase one] planning permission last year, we've continued to adapt the plans and we're keen to hear the thoughts of the people who use the space every day."

The work on phase one, including the work on King Street, is already underway and it is unaffected.

It includes the reinstatement of the street with bars, restaurants, retailers and a market hall via the removal of the roof of the shopping centre. There is a plan for a square with events spaces and seating areas, plus a significant amount of greenery, as well as a plan for significant investment in the car park.

The consultation closes on Sunday (October 15). To contribute go to

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.