A man wanted on recall to prison has been put behind bars after being arrested in Altrincham.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have said that on Tuesday (August 29), a 51-year-old man was arrested while he tried to hide in a doorway in Altrincham.

Police found that he was wanted on recall to prison and he was escorted back to jail.

The next day in nearby Wythenshawe, officers attended a pub where there were reports of a disturbance.

Following a search of the area, a man was detained and a search led to a large combat knife being recovered.

The man was arrested on suspicion of possession of a bladed article.

The arrests were part of Operation Venture, which looks to tackle the issue of weapons on the streets and make people in Greater Manchester safer.

Sergeant Paul Heap of Operation Venture said: “Operation Venture was set up to take weapons off our streets and arrest anyone who poses a threat to the public.

"The activity carried out over the past week shows the kind of work our officers carry out day in and day out to keep people safe and there is a lot of work taking place behind the scenes using intelligence and analytical data.

“The team uses intelligence to build the picture around violent crime hot spots in Greater Manchester. This then determines where officers are sent to detect and deter offences as well as provide a visible reassuring presence in communities.

“Our greatest asset is information provided by members of the public. If you have information about a crime taking place or concerns about violence in your area, I would urge you to report it to GMP as soon as possible.”

Work by officers as part of the operation also led to the arrest of a man wanted in connection with a stabbing outside a mosque on Anson Road, North London, on August 10.

The 21-year-old man was arrested at an address on Worthing Street, Manchester, on August 24, on suspicion of committing grievous bodily harm with intent.