A new strategy to help tackle housing issues and shortages across the Trafford is being drawn up by the town hall.

The authority is drafting a new housing strategy to cover 2024 to 2029 and wants the public’s opinions to help shape the strategy. 

The council’s current housing priorities include accelerating housing growth, continuing to build more affordable homes and reduce homelessness, reducing inequalities across the borough and supporting people out of poverty.

Residents are being advised to complete an online survey on what they would like to see regarding housing over the next five years at https://trafford.citizenspace.com/place/housing-strategy-survey/. The survey went live on Monday and will run until June 30.

People are being asked a number of questions regarding their housing, the types of homes they live in and reasons for wanting their area and properties. 

The information provided will feed into the new strategy which will identify actions required to meet current and future housing needs in Trafford and to address a number of supply and demand challenges.

As part of the consultation, residents are also invited to ‘listening sessions’ to find out more and give their views. The events have been arranged at the Trafford Town Hall on the following dates: 

Monday June 5, 2pm

Monday June 12, 2pm

Monday June 26, 2pm

To book a place, please visit Eventbrite at Housing Strategy Listening Session Tickets, Mon 5 Jun 2023 at 13:00 | Eventbrite

Coun James Wright, Trafford council’s executive member for housing and neighbourhoods, said: “There is a huge shortage of private and affordable homes in Trafford and we continue to be totally committed to help provide more across the borough.

“But it also important that you tell us what you would like to happen so I urge as many people as possible to fill in our online survey and take part in the listening sessions throughout June.”