Altrincham FC captain Jordan Hulme has added his name to a joint letter to the FA from all 24 National League captains following non-league contract changes.

The new terms would mean players receive 12 weeks full pay before being reverted to Statutory Sick Pay, currently £99.35 a week, or the termination of their contract if they are expected to be out for over four months.

The captains collaborated on the letter to express their frustration about the changes and to request that talks are held between them, the FA and the National League.

The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) said in a statement: “Unfortunately, we believe that the new non-league contract represents a reduction in player rights and so it is important that players understand these changes and what they might mean for their rights from next season.”

The PFA does not officially represent National League players, but the FA requested the union’s feedback on the changes.

Lamenting the lack of union representation on Twitter, Hulme said: “We have nobody to represent us at the minute that’s why we had to get together. Be kicking lumps out of each other tomorrow.”

After posting the joint letter to his personal Twitter account, the striker, responding to a question, stated that income protection insurance was difficult to obtain due to the job’s nature.

“That is a frustrating grey area for our boys to be in so all we want is a solution to avoid an injury causing players possibly losing contracts, homes and then whatever this brings with it being on £99 a week after getting injured for your club,” the player continued.

There is a fear the dispute could lead to strike action.

In a statement, the FA said: “Following a period of consultation with the relevant stakeholders, we have updated the standard-form non-league contract in order to better reflect current employment legislation and to provide each party with greater certainty in this area.

“In doing so, we have sought to balance the interests of both clubs and players.”

Altrincham FC was contacted for comment.