PLANS to turn an area of Sale into an active neighbourhood are set to change in light of criticism from residents, according to a councillor for the ward affected.

The Labour Group's Cllr Steven Longden, of Brooklands Ward, assured residents in and around Walton Road nothing is set in stone until a consensus is reached.

Around a week ago, The Messenger reported on criticism towards the active neighbourhood, which covers the area surrounded by Marsland Road to the north, Bridgewater Canal to the east, Newton Park to the south and Washway Road to the west.

Messenger Newspapers: A map of the scheme.A map of the scheme.

Colin Spragg and Len Holmes, residents of Stanley Mount, said ideas such as barriers to separate the area into three sections and bollards to stop pavement parking raised concerns about access to services by car and ease for bin collectors, delivery drivers and emergency services.

Speaking to The Messenger, Cllr Longden explained these ideas are intended to tackle the use of Walton Road as a shortcut through traffic on Marsland Road and Washway Road. They also aim to create a safe area for cyclists and pedestrians.

He said that an event about the active neighbourhood at the The LifeCentre on Wednesday last week was well attended, and that the concerns raised at the event and in a current consultation are to be taken into account before a decision is made.

READ MORE: Sale residents slam 'crazy' active neighbourhood scheme.

The councillor, whose seat in Brooklands Ward is up for election in two months, said: "Over the last year, [cycling and walking charity] Sustrans has engaged in consultation with residents, with the latest taking place at The LifeCentre last week.

"We have had lots of positive suggestions on how to improve the draft proposals, with some of these no doubt being taken forward once we have had a chance to collate everyone's responses.

"It is clear from the feedback received from residents that the current proposal must change and I will be making this clear in future discussions in line with the concerns raised by constituents.

"Obviously, this scheme will not move forward until the majority of residents are happy with most of the proposals."

The consultation on the Walton Road Active Neighbourhood runs until March 6. To contribute to the consultation, go to